We had friends in town this week for the Ogden Marathon. Carrie and her kids stayed with us for a few days and it was amazing to have little kids in the house running around. We're so used a quiet house (with the exception of Bailey barking at every passing mosquito), that the laughing of children was a great reminder of what we're about to embark on. And although we've had young kids in the house before, this time it wasn't scary or annoying. Clearly, we're ready for this.
This week was exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. When Carrie and the kids left, we weren't prepared for the sudden silence in the house, but remedied that by passing out on the bed for a few hours!
We learned a lot about parenting styles this weekend. Carrie gave us a lot of great advice and it was great watching her interact with her kids. She's amazing.
Last week we went to visit mom and dad in Preston. We had a great time with them and it was really interesting to hear about mom's pregnancies. It sounds like she had similar experiences and never really had morning sickness, so that's a nice history for me to follow!! Although, she also mentioned that she was in labor for 29 hours with me. THAT, I could do without!!!
Mom also made a beautiful receiving blanket for Tweet.
I do believe more are to come, but I think this will be my favorite FOREVER!!
- Heartburn/Indigestion.I do not leave home without my Tums.
- Fatigue
- Instant irritability for no good reason. At unsuspecting souls.
- Forgetfulness
- Serious bloating and gas
- I haven't slept through the night in weeks. Have to get up and pee 2-3 times a night!
- Hot chocolate with hazelnut creamer!
- Salad with croutons
- I have to have a half-glass of OJ every morning.
Smells I can't stand
- Canned corn
- Peanuts being eaten by someone other than me.
- Benny makes a big deal about the gas... this cannot last for the next 5 months!
- This has nothing to do with the pregnancy, but the cat keeps waking us up at 6 a.m. to be fed! She may not make it to the next trimester!
Bonus Features
- Still have the good skin and complexion.
- Having the kids around last week convinced me that we're ready for this.
- Benny rubs the belly all the time. He's SO EXCITED for this.
- Our house is awesomely ready for a baby... only thing left is the baby room!
1 comment:
Congrats on the addition to your family. My wife craved salads with our daughter when she was expecting. For us the first few month until the little one get a good sleeping schedule was tough. Getting up every couple of hours to feed. But once they start growing and iinteracting with you it is a lot more enjoyable. My daughter is 14 months old now when she has had her nap and had enough to eat she fun to play with. There are still moments that you need a break once in a while my segustion is to take turns careing for the little Tweet. Best of luck. You can check our my block @ www.weskatiehatch.blogspot.com
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