Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Belated Halloween

Dear Hazel,
So, Halloween came and went without a whole lot of fanfare. You had a great time considering you were dealing with a severe case of the trots. But, we got you dressed up and ready to go Trick-or-Treating around the neighborhood.

Unfortunately, it was super cold and rainy that day so we ended up making it a really quick trip.

We started by carving the pumpkins. You loved it!

Then we went to visit the neighbors in your costume.

I "made" your costume this year. In that I sewed a black boa on a pair of black spandex to look like a cat tail. Yep. You've got a super talented mom and didn't even know.

We had to call the evening short because it started raining, but before that, you were enjoying sitting on Daddy's shoulders.

For future reference, putting makeup on a one-year-old for Halloween? Like giving a cat a bath. Only more bleeding.

You enjoyed the one piece of candy that I dared let you have. And even then, you only just chewed on the plastic.

Overall, I'd say it was a successful Halloween. Even if it was technically the day before Halloween since they don't celebrate Halloween on Sundays in Utah.

Get used to it.


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